Weather problems

2020-06-26 1 min read

This guide only applies to phoenix V1
(V2 does use garmins own weather instead and will work anywhere)

It may happen that chinese people are not able to use my watchface’s weather feature because the government is blocking access to some google pages. I do not access openweathermap directly because their response is quite large so I wrote a small Google Cloud service that processes the data from openweathermap and returns a minimal response to my watchface.

Check if following link is working to test if you can access my service: Test

If you are one of those people affected by this problem you may think I could offer an alternative solution without the google service, but sadly, this is not possible. By using the google service I do only hand on a very minimal response from the openweathermap API to the garmin watch with the effect that my watchface only uses very little memory for processing the weather data. Without this service the watchface would need to handle a lot larger response from openweathermap and this would not work in combination with all the features my watchface offers and would make the watchface run out of memory.