Delayed app starts

2018-05-14 2 min read

That’s an android security feature. If you press the home button no other app than the main launcher is allowed to start an app within 5 seconds. This is due to avoid that an app brings itself to front over and over again…


There is an advanced feature inside my app to circumvent this restriction, but in general I’d suggest adjusting your behaviour - don’t press the home button before going to another app anymore - this is anyways one of the good things the usage of my app provides, that you do not need to go to the home screen anymore before you can launch a new app.

The setting for this behaviour can be found under settings / app / advanced settings / workaround for instant app start. Be aware that there is one downside if you enable this: my app won’t be able to recognise if starting an app succeeds or not. E.g. in some cases other developers change their internal structure and move an activity to another path in their app - this simple change may lead to broken app links inside my app (just imagine that my app stores a link and the homepages link is changed, then my link won’t work anymore). If the workaround is enabled, you’ll just see nothing, otherwise you’ll get an information that the “link” is broken.