Battery Optimisation

2020-05-16 2 min read

Battery usage

Everywhere Launcher is developed in a way that it will not need a lot of battery - it just “sits” there and waits for you interaction and while it’s waiting it does not need a lot of resources. That’s why it will not even show up in the battery usage statistics on most phones. Because of this it’s not necessary to optimise Everywhere Launcher.

System Battery Optimisation

Many manufactures do come with a build in battery optimiser. On many phones this is no problem as they do respect globally valid contracts - this means, if an app like mine shows a notification and runs in the foreground (it’s always on the screen somehow), the system won’t kill my app. And even if it does kill my app in an extreme situation, it will restart my app automatically because my app asks the system to do so.

Sadly some manufactures (mostly chinese ones) just do not respect this contracts. On such devices it may happen that apps like mine suddenly vanish. In this case simply open Everywhere Launcher and eventually stop and resume the service.

To avoid this problem, simply exclude my app from any system battery optimisation. As written in section one, you can’t optimise my app - it must be present all the time and it’s written in a way to optimise the rest as much as possible already.