I want CoSy for network X
I only support networks that at least allow access to profile images as I don’t hack any network.
LinkedIn would offer an API to access their data (contacts and images), but therefore you must ask them. I did this. They replied that my usage does not qualify for their API. As a business network, they do not consider my use case as an acceptable one.
At first, they removed the access to google+ friends at all and only allowed to access the gmail contacts instead and finally this service was disabled at all.
In the past the app downloaded high resoultion pictures, but it does not do this anymore - it does not make sense to support this app because of this. Additionally, only a root version would be possible as well…
Instagram, Twitter, VKontakte, Xing
Currently I do not plan to create CoSy apps for those networks, but I may check those networks again one day. But if so many CoSy versions exist, I also must integrate some communication between all versions so that it’s easier to avoid that contacts are linked multiple times.
Why multiple apps
Because of the experience I made with my old all-in-one solution I won’t create an app that supports multiple networks again. People don’t respect that some networks can’t be supported perfectly, their support may stop because of technical reasons and similar…