Why not use the dafault login?

2018-05-24 2 min read

Current State

Facebook does not allow to query a list of your friends by their API nor does it allow you to log in to facebook in an embedded in app browser so all the previously working solutions I offered to make the friend import as easy as possible do not work anymore. The good thing is, as soon as a friend is imported it can be used forever, but importing friends is quite difficult now.

I can still import all your friends from your friends page as soon as the friends have public profiles (and in a few other special cases), but private friends can’t be imported anymore because of the above mentioned restrictions.

There is no simple solution to import friends with a private profile currently other than asking you to open the friends home page on facebook and save it one by one. And then import all those files into CoSy so that it can extract the friends data from those files for you.

Until October 5, 2021

As facebook does not allow any app to query a list of your friends anymore, I provided a work around: I asked you to log in inside an embedded browser to facebook and afterwards, I automatically iterated over all your friends inside this browser for you and imported all friends one by one.

Before 2015

Facebook did allow to query a list of all friends simply by using their API - you could log in to facebook and give an app the required permission and the app could query all friends afterwars.