In-App payment

2018-04-23 1 min read


The problem is that an in-app payment is managed by the play store (including caching it while no internet connection is available and rechecking it every now and then and therefore invalidating the local cached state). If there is no internet connection when it tries to recheck the state, it will report to my app that the in-app purchase was not found.


This can be solved like following:

  • Open the app and stop the app’s service (if there is one), otherwise skip this step
  • Close the app - by swiping it out of your recent apps
  • Make sure you are connected to the internet
  • Restart the app
  • Restart the app’s service (again, only if there is one)

Making sure that you’re connected to the internet should make sure that the play store can correctly check my apps in-app payment and will report the correct state back to my app. Contact me through the app’s feedback function if you still have problems.