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Version 1


Version 1.* is a kotlin multiplatform rewrite, that's why some fundamantal changes needed to be done!


  • com.michaelflisar.composepreferences.core.hierarchy.PreferenceScope => com.michaelflisar.composepreferences.core.scopes.PreferenceScope
  • com.michaelflisar.composepreferences.core.classes.PreferenceStyleDefaults => com.michaelflisar.composepreferences.core.styles.PreferenceStyleDefaults
  • MutableState<*>.asPreferenceData() was removed => use the MutableState directly now instead

Structural changes#

  • I had to change all title and subtitle parameters from Composables to string because otherwise I could not have added the new filtering feature.

    // OLD
        title = { Text("Text") },
        subtitle = { Text("Text2") }
    // NEW  
        title = "Text",
        subtitle = "Text"
  • PreferenceSectionHeader was renamed to PreferenceSection and does contains its children now

    // OLD
    PreferenceSectionHeader(title = "Infos")
    PreferenceInfo(title = "Info 1")
    PreferenceInfo(title = "Info 2")
    // NEW
    PreferenceSection(title = "Infos") {
        PreferenceInfo(title = "Info 1")
        PreferenceInfo(title = "Info 2")


I probably forgot some small changes because this was a big rewrite in KMP. Let me know if you find something then I'll add it here.