Dialog Time
This shows a time selector dialog. 24h mode is optional.
Check out the composable and it's documentation in the code snipplet below.
Generally following can be adjusted:
- 12h/24h mode
* Shows a dialog with a time input
* **Basic Parameters:** all params not described here are derived from [Dialog], check it out for more details
* @param time the selected time
* @param setup the [DialogTime.Setup] - use [DialogTimeDefaults.setup] to provide your own data
fun DialogTime(
state: DialogState,
// Custom - Required
time: MutableState<LocalTime>,
// Custom - Optional
setup: DialogTime.Setup = DialogTimeDefaults.setup(),
// Base Dialog - Optional
title: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
icon: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
style: ComposeDialogStyle = DialogDefaults.defaultDialogStyle(),
buttons: DialogButtons = DialogDefaults.buttons(),
options: Options = Options(),
onEvent: (event: DialogEvent) -> Unit = {}
if (state.visible) {
// special state for time dialog
val time = rememberDialogTime()
// optional settings
val setup = DialogTimeDefaults.setup(is24Hours = is24Hours)
state = state,
time = time,
setup = setup,
icon = icon,
title = { Text("Select Time") },
style = style,
onEvent = {
if (it is DialogEvent.Button && it.button == DialogButtonType.Positive) {
context.showToast("Selected Time: ${time.value}")
} else {
context.showToast("Event $it")