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Dialog Progress

This shows a simple loading dialog with a progress indicator.

Check out the composable and it's documentation in the code snipplet below.

Generally following can be adjusted:

  • circular or linear progress


 * Shows a dialog with an optional label and a progress indicator
 * **Basic Parameters:** all params not described here are derived from [Dialog], check it out for more details
 * @param content the content of the progress
 * @param progressStyle the style of the progress indicator ([DialogProgress.Style])
fun DialogProgress(
    state: DialogState,
    // Custom - Required
    // ...
    // Custom - Optional
    content: (@Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    progressStyle: DialogProgress.Style = DialogProgress.Style.Indeterminate(),
    // Base Dialog - Optional
    title: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
    style: ComposeDialogStyle = DialogDefaults.defaultDialogStyle(),
    buttons: DialogButtons = DialogDefaults.buttons(),
    options: Options = Options(),
    onEvent: (event: DialogEvent) -> Unit = {}


if (state.visible) {
        state = state,
        content = {
        progressStyle = DialogProgress.Style.Indeterminate(linear = false),
        icon = icon,
        title = { Text("Progress Dialog") },
        buttons = DialogDefaults.buttons(
            positive = DialogButton("Stop")
        style = style,
        onEvent = {
            if (it is DialogEvent.Button && it.button == DialogButtonType.Positive) {
                context.showToast("Progress Dialog closed by button")
            } else {
                context.showToast("Event $it")


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