Dialog List
This shows a dialog with a list of items. Rendering, selection mode and more is adjustable.
Check out the composable and it's documentation in the code snipplet below.
Generally following can be adjusted:
- list of items or loading list items asynchronously
- single selection / multi selection / clickable
- optional dividers
- filter and search functionality
- custom items
val selected = remember { mutableStateOf<Int?>(null) }
val items = List(100) { "Item $it" }
style = style,
title = { Text("List Dialog") },
icon = getIcon,
buttons = buttons,
description = "Some optional description",
state = dialog,
items = items,
itemIdProvider = { items.indexOf(it) },
selectionMode = DialogList.SelectionMode.SingleSelect(
selected = selected,
selectOnRadioButtonClickOnly = false
itemContents = DialogList.ItemDefaultContent(
text = { it }
onEvent = {
if (it is DialogEvent.Button && it.button == DialogButtonType.Positive) {
infos.add("Selected list value: ${selected.value?.let { "Index = $it | Item = ${items[it]}" }}")
} else {
infos.add("Event $it")
There are 2 ways to show a list, one by providing a list of items and one by providing an asynchronous item loader function.
* Shows a dialog with a list and an optional filter option
* consider the overload with a lambda for the items parameter if items should be loaded lazily
* **Basic Parameters:** all params not described here are derived from [Dialog], check it out for more details
* @param items the list items
* @param itemIdProvider the items to id lambda that is used to store selected item ids
* @param itemContents the [DialogList.ItemContents] holding composables to customise the rendering of the list items - use [DialogList.ItemDefaultContent] or [DialogList.ItemContents] if you want to completely customise the items
* @param selectionMode the [DialogList.SelectionMode]
* @param divider if true, a divider is shown between the list items
* @param description a custom text that will be shown as description at the top of the dialog
* @param filter the [DialogList.Filter] - if it is null, filtering is disabled
fun <T> DialogList(
state: DialogState,
// Custom - Required
items: List<T>,
itemIdProvider: (item: T) -> Int,
itemContents: DialogList.ItemContents<T>,
selectionMode: DialogList.SelectionMode<T>,
// Custom - Optional
divider: Boolean = false,
description: String = "",
filter: DialogList.Filter<T>? = null,
// Base Dialog - Optional
title: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
icon: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
style: ComposeDialogStyle = DialogDefaults.defaultDialogStyle(),
buttons: DialogButtons = DialogDefaults.buttons(),
options: Options = DialogDefaults.options(),
onEvent: (event: DialogEvent) -> Unit = {}
* Shows a dialog with a list and an optional filter option
* consider the overload with a list if the items are just a simple list of items
* **Basic Parameters:** all params not described here are derived from [Dialog], check it out for more details
* @param itemsLoader the lambda that will return the items for this dialog
* @param itemIdProvider the items to id lambda that is used to store selected item ids
* @param itemContents the [DialogList.ItemContents] holding composables to customise the rendering of the list items - use [DialogList.ItemDefaultContent] or [DialogList.ItemContents] if you want to completely customise the items
* @param selectionMode the [DialogList.SelectionMode]
* @param itemSaver the saver for the list items - if no itemSaver is provided, data won't be remembered as saveable and will be reloaded on recomposition (e.g. screen rotation)
* @param loadingIndicator the composable that will be shown while items are loaded
* @param divider if true, a divider is shown between the list items
* @param description a custom text that will be shown as description at the top of the dialog
* @param filter the [DialogList.Filter] - if it is null, filtering is disabled
fun <T> DialogList(
state: DialogState,
// Custom - Required
itemsLoader: suspend () -> List<T>,
itemIdProvider: (item: T) -> Int,
itemContents: DialogList.ItemContents<T>,
selectionMode: DialogList.SelectionMode<T>,
// Custom - Optional
itemSaver: Saver<MutableState<List<T>>, out Any>? = null,
loadingIndicator: @Composable () -> Unit = {
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), contentAlignment = Alignment.Center) {
divider: Boolean = false,
description: String = "",
filter: DialogList.Filter<T>? = null,
// Base Dialog - Optional
title: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
icon: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
style: ComposeDialogStyle = DialogDefaults.defaultDialogStyle(),
buttons: DialogButtons = DialogDefaults.buttons(),
options: Options = DialogDefaults.options(),
onEvent: (event: DialogEvent) -> Unit = {}
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