Dialog Billing
This extension does only support android!
This shows a dialog with the prices and names of your products. It also shows if a product is already owned and allows to buy unowned products by clicking them.
* Shows a dialog with prices of purchaseable products => clicking an item will launch the buy process
* **Basic Parameters:** all params not described here are derived from [Dialog], check it out for more details
* @param products the products to show inside the list
* @param textAlreadyOwned the text that is shown if a product is already owned
fun DialogBilling(
state: DialogState,
// custom settings
products: List<DialogBilling.BillingProduct>,
texts: DialogBilling.Texts = DialogBillingDefaults.texts(),
// Base Dialog - Optional
title: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
icon: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
style: ComposeDialogStyle = DialogDefaults.defaultDialogStyle(),
//buttons: DialogButtons = DialogDefaults.buttons(),
//options: Options = Options(),
onEvent: (event: DialogEvent) -> Unit = {}