Dialog Styles
This library offers 3 styles (actually 4) for dialog. You can always provide the style to a dialog composable and customise it however you want.
does offer the corresponding functions to create a style.
* the setup of a dialog that shows as a normal dialog popup
* @param swipeDismissable if true, the dialog can be swiped away by an up/down swipe
* @param dismissOnBackPress if true, the dialog can be dismissed by a back press
* @param dismissOnClickOutside if true, the dialog can be dismissed by clicking outside of its borders
* @param options provides custom style options of the dialog
* @param shape the [Shape] of the dialog
* @param containerColor the [Color] of the container
* @param iconColor the content [Color] of the icon
* @param titleColor the content [Color] of the title
* @param textColor the content [Color] of the text
fun styleDialog(
swipeDismissable: Boolean = false,
// DialogProperties
dismissOnBackPress: Boolean = true,
dismissOnClickOutside: Boolean = true,
// Style
options: StyleOptions = StyleOptions(),
shape: Shape = DialogStyleDefaults.shape,
containerColor: Color = DialogStyleDefaults.containerColor,
iconColor: Color = DialogStyleDefaults.iconColor,
titleColor: Color = DialogStyleDefaults.titleColor,
contentColor: Color = DialogStyleDefaults.contentColor
): ComposeDialogStyle
* the setup of a dialog that shows as a normal dialog popup
* @param dragHandle if true, a drag handle will be shown
* @param peekHeight the peek height calculation of the bottom sheet
* @param expandInitially if true, the bottom sheet is initially displayed in expanded state (even if it has a peek height)
* @param velocityThreshold the velocity threshold of the bottom sheet
* @param positionalThreshold the positional threshold of the bottom sheet
* @param animateShow if true, the sheet will be animated on first show
* @param dismissOnBackPress if true, the dialog can be dismissed by a back press
* @param dismissOnClickOutside if true, the dialog can be dismissed by clicking outside of its borders
* @param options provides custom style options of the dialog
* @param shape the [Shape] of the dialog
* @param containerColor the [Color] of the container
* @param iconColor the content [Color] of the icon
* @param titleColor the content [Color] of the title
* @param textColor the content [Color] of the text
fun styleBottomSheet(
dragHandle: Boolean = true,
peekHeight: ((containerHeight: Dp, sheetHeight: Dp) -> Dp)? = BottomSheetStyleDefaults.peekHeight,
expandInitially: Boolean = false,
velocityThreshold: () -> Dp = { 125.dp },
positionalThreshold: (totalDistance: Dp) -> Dp = { 56.dp },
animateShow: Boolean = false,
// DialogProperties
dismissOnBackPress: Boolean = true,
dismissOnClickOutside: Boolean = true,
// Style
options: StyleOptions = StyleOptions(),
shape: Shape = BottomSheetStyleDefaults.shape,
containerColor: Color = BottomSheetStyleDefaults.containerColor,
iconColor: Color = BottomSheetStyleDefaults.iconColor,
titleColor: Color = BottomSheetStyleDefaults.titleColor,
contentColor: Color = BottomSheetStyleDefaults.contentColor
): ComposeDialogStyle
* the setup of a dialog that shows as a normal dialog popup
* @param darkStatusBar if true, the dialog icons will be adjusted to a dark status bar
* @param menuActions if provided, it replaces the the default close menu action
* @param dismissOnBackPress if true, the dialog can be dismissed by a back press
* @param toolbarColor the [Color] of the toolbar
* @param toolbarActionColor the [Color] of the actions in the toolbar
* @param containerColor the [Color] of the container
* @param iconColor the content [Color] of the icon
* @param titleColor the content [Color] of the title
fun styleFullscreenDialog(
darkStatusBar: Boolean = false,
menuActions: @Composable (RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
// DialogProperties
dismissOnBackPress: Boolean = true,
// Style
toolbarColor: Color = FullscreenDialogStyleDefaults.toolbarColor,
toolbarActionColor: Color = FullscreenDialogStyleDefaults.toolbarActionColor,
containerColor: Color = FullscreenDialogStyleDefaults.containerColor,
iconColor: Color = FullscreenDialogStyleDefaults.iconColor,
titleColor: Color = FullscreenDialogStyleDefaults.titleColor,
contentColor: Color = FullscreenDialogStyleDefaults.contentColor
): ComposeDialogStyle
On windows you can also use a windows window based dialog style.
fun DialogDefaults.styleWindowsDialog(
dialogTitle: String,
position: WindowPosition = WindowPosition(Alignment.Center),
width: Dp = 800.dp,
height: Dp = 600.dp,
// Style
iconColor: Color = DialogStyleDefaults.iconColor,
titleColor: Color = DialogStyleDefaults.titleColor,
contentColor: Color = DialogStyleDefaults.contentColor
): ComposeDialogStyle